Side Effects Of Stopping Yaz Yaz Birth Control Stopping, And Side Effects - PLEASE HELP!!?

Yaz Birth Control Stopping, and Side Effects - PLEASE HELP!!? - side effects of stopping yaz

A few weeks ago I heard on yaz birth control terminate a week, what would be my third package. I started on medication to help with cysts and leave because she feared that she was pregnant. After the decision has recently been a long week [the week, packed from Sunday to Sunday] period, with large groups [sorry] More blood - I do not know if it's a real period or cysts. Well, I'm sure I'm not pregnant because I have no side effects, unless I'm crazy .... emotional and crying all the time on stupid things, and I'm not happy - Is it because of the pills? I also had a ton of flow lotiony thick white, odorless - does this stop for the pills or I have anything to fear? Landfill does not cause any problem, no odor or anything, but I feel very wet, and I really inconvenient to say - someone to me if this were just a side effect of stopping birth control mid cycle?


Blair said...

Really emotional, while Yaz? Yaz in the system stays for a few months after the stop in May, if you have side effects. Or levels of the hormone may be the dissolution of birth control to be unbalanced, so that your emotions can be anywhere. And do not worry about the discharge excessive worry, the same thing happened to me (at that time I had to change my clothes several times during the day because I felt very wet) and last no more than a few days, it should go - your body just trying to adjust.

prettyki... said...

I do not take yaz volume differently. I really do not know. I can only recommend talking to your gynecologist and see what he has to say. They may only be able to call if your hospital / Gynecology Department and speak with a nurse and doctors are employed in the rule. Speak with a nurse - if necessary, appointments and good luck!

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